Innovative Ways to Reduce Waste Going to Landfill or Incineration

October 21, 2022

Every year, cities and towns around the world produce millions of tons of waste. Some of this waste ends up in landfills where it stays until it’s completely decomposed and turns into soil, but much of it ends up in incinerators or recycling centers. While recycling is better than incineration, there are more environmentally friendly ways to reduce waste going to landfill or incineration that you may not have heard about. To get started, think about some of the innovative ways people around the world are using to reduce waste going to landfill or incineration while also reducing pollution and increasing reuse and reusability.

🌳Planting A Garden

The best way to reduce food waste is to grow your own food. Not only does it mean that you have control over what you’re eating, but it also means that whatever food you don’t use can be composted and used for fertilizer. It doesn’t matter if you have a huge plot of land; growing some herbs and greens on your balcony will have a significant impact too. You can even get involved in community allotments. Whatever space you have available, every little bit helps!


In today’s throwaway society, upcycling is a growing trend that helps keep unnecessary waste out of landfills. By upcycling common household items, you can recycle trash into trendy new pieces of furniture and accessories. Read more about upcycling here! For example, you can use old soda bottles as vases, turned them into flowerpots with little drainage holes in their bottoms.


If you’re interested in saving landfill space and reducing waste going to incineration, composting is a great option. Composting reduces waste by recycling organic matter into nutrient-rich compost that can be reused in a number of different ways—from gardening and farming to landscaping and soil restoration. The process of turning household scraps into compost also produces valuable byproducts like heat, water vapor, and carbon dioxide that help break down more trash.

🧹Spring Cleaning

Our waste disposal system is geared toward post-industrial waste, which means much of our household trash isn’t designed for efficient recovery and reuse. Making a few changes in your routine, however, can reduce your trash output dramatically. One of these is simple: buy a reusable water bottle instead of plastic ones.

👕Recycling Old Clothes and Footwear

Many municipalities around the world have begun collecting used clothing and footwear. It may seem like a no-brainer to keep it out of landfill and let someone else wear it, but what if you could get cash for donating old clothes? By selling your used clothes you not only reduce landfill waste but make some money in return as well. Check with your local council as different places have different recycling laws and set-ups. This can be done privately too: many people sell their old stuff on eBay or at a car boot sale.

🎁Repurposing Unwanted Gifts into Something Useful

Gifts can be wonderful, but those that you don’t need can be rather annoying. If you have something laying around that you no longer want, it's time to declutter and consider creating a new product out of it and giving it a second life. This also helps save money if you’re crafty! You could also try selling your item on Craigslist (it is free) so someone else can give it a new home. Plus, who knows?

🗑Reducing Plastic Use

While recycling is always an option, it’s no way to go green. The better alternative is to avoid plastic altogether. In doing so, you can save tons of money and protect our planet from dangerous chemicals leaching into the soil and water supply. Start small by using cloth bags at supermarkets instead of plastic ones; those grocery totes really add up!

🔋🔋Comparing Different Methods of Recycling

Several studies have been conducted on different types of waste-reduction methods. Research showed that recycling, in general, reduces landfill as much as 34%. Paper can be recycled more than any other material; 83% of all paper is recycled every year. For example, a single person who recycles 10 pounds of paper a day can save almost 1,000 pounds of CO2 annually.

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